Conference Call
Members attending: Rebecca Brown (College of DuPage); Anne Buchanan (Saint Xavier University); Rosanne Cordell (Northern Illinois University); Paula Garrett (Illinois Math and Science Academy); Andrew Lenaghan (Joliet Junior College); David Stern, chair (Illinois State University), Victoria Tracy (Prairie State College)
Members absent: Marianne Ryan (Northwestern University); Jennifer Sauzer (Columbia College)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell; Elizabeth Clarage
- Update on Space video site and policies and procedures.
- Andrew added information regarding best practices for creating videos document on the wiki.
- Item: IACRL Assessment pre-conference plans:
- There will be 2 rooms in the afternoon, so we can propose a program of up to 2 hours.
- The presenter name and title of presentation are needed around Jan. 10.
- We reviewed presentation bullet points listed on the private committee wiki.
- Committee members are asked to review the bullet points and suggest approaches for the presentation. Some ideas:
- Suggest tools and items from the bullet list that are appropriate
- Present decisions made based on data
- Use facilitators to lead conversations
- Have unconference table discussions
- Ask questions to get to new ideas that libraries have developed
- Put out a call for 5-minute talks on what people are doing
- Send one email from CARLI for all groups, if they are doing the same sort of thing
- Do some sort of follow-up. Maybe a website with a matrix?
- Update on webinar topic: Matrix of best tools:
- There is no decision on how we will input data. Survey Monkey is a possibility.
- Outline will be placed on the Public Services Private Wiki
- Update on face to face program: Security Concerns Forum (Becky)
- Expand outline on wiki
- Tomas Lipinski is a possible speaker, but would require a fee and moving the date back to May or June. He can talk about legal aspects.
- A presentation on active shooters could be included.
- A panel of 24-hour libraries discussing their experiences is possible.
- A speaker from the police academy might be invited to speak on de-escalating problem patrons.
- We could include a short talk on developing comprehensive emergency & disaster plans that cover human situations as well as collection recovery.
- Possible order: Speaker>Panel>Active shooter & Concealed Carry>Planning
- The program would be held at College of DuPage.
- Public Services website:
- The CARLI webmaster reached the decision to name the section of the website "Public Services."
- Instruction & resource sharing are also included under Public Services.
- Other topics can be added as single items with a drop-down "blind" or link to a new page.
- The group decided when the page is live that more links to past events are needed.
- The order of the topics, committees, and news links are different in each of these sections.
- White paper: Bullets of ideas are on the wiki.
- The audience is the CARLI Board and CARLI community
- Bullets suggest content and format.
- Rosanne Cordell was selected to take minutes.
- We will propose an IACRL program of 1-1 ½ hours.
- Tomas Lipinski will be contacted about speaking at the forum on security concerns, or whether he can recommend someone who is local. Directors will be asked for their recommendations for local speakers if Lipinski can’t speak.
Tasks Assigned:
- Debbie and Elizabeth will work with the CARLI Office on how members videos will be accessed via the CARLI website.
- All committee members will review the wiki and and content for the IACRL Preconference presentation.
- Jennifer will craft the promotional information for the "Matrix of Best Tools."
- Becky, Anne, Debbie, and Elizabeth will continue working on logistics of the Library Security Program.
- Debbie and Elizabeth will take the feedback from this group to the webmaster regarding the order of topics, committees, and news which varies in different places on the page.
- All committee members can add bullets or comments on the white paper content and formats listed on the wiki.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Our next meeting will be December 12, 2013.