Conference Call via AdobeConnect
Members Attending: Ross Griffiths, Chair, Illinois State University; David Bell, Eastern Illinois University; Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum; Katie Risseeuw, Northwestern University; Julie Wroblewski, Benedictine University
Members Absent: Lorraine Olley, University of Saint Mary of the Lake; Cason Snow, Northern Illinois University
Staff Attending: Elizabeth Clarage
- Bonnie Parr will take the minutes.
- Mold remediation workshop:
- Because requests for CARLI funds must be made 6 months in advance, the workshop date must be changed to later in 2013, possibly in May; there was discussion about whether graduation time will affect workshop attendance and availability of venues.
- Elizabeth estimates workshop attendance will be about 75-100.
- Possible venues discussed include:
- IIT – has space available (with easy access and parking) but they recommend scheduling a date later than May to avoid the graduation period
- Northwestern – offers a free space that will accommodate about 60 (access not as easy as for IIT)
- Other venues – Columbia College, DePaul (but meeting space is not free), Loyola
- Meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
- CARLI is switching over to a new website with the webpage is created through the “Drupal” system; all links will be transferred, but PWG members should check their links and any associated text to make sure everything was copied correctly; Elizabeth will email a corrected link to the new webpage as there was some problem with logging on to the link she sent out previously.
- A PWG member is needed to serve on the Digital Preservation Joint Subcommittee to fill a vacancy.
- There was discussion about how CARLI should disseminate information about the NEH mini-grants for preservation, particularly in advance of deadlines – via email, newsletter article, or blog?
- Mold remediation workshop:
- Ross mentioned the speakers for the workshop that are willing to participate so far – Julie Mosbo and Jennifer Hain Teper (mold case studies); Amanda Rinehart (librarian/mycology expert); Ann Frellson (dealing with mold outbreaks; she needs a firm date before she can confirm); Andrew Huot (?).
Tasks Assigned
- Those who haven’t yet read or initialed the August minutes, please do so ASAP.
- Newsletter articles:
- Ross will contact Cason to see if he can prepare his article one month early for the December newsletter (Katie volunteered to switch months with Cason, if needed).
- Bonnie will write an article about the NEH mini-grants for the January newsletter, in order to get the information out before grant proposal deadlines.
- Katie (or Cason) will write an article for the February newsletter.
- Mold remediation workshop:
- Ross asked Elizabeth to send out an email with information about available workshop spaces; a date for the workshop can be set once a venue is chosen.
- Contact Julie Mosbo and Jennifer Hain Teper about their presentations for workshop; if they are willing to each take an hour (45 minute talk/15 minute Q&A) for their program instead of co-presenting the subject.
- Need a title for the workshop (Ross suggested “Everything You Wanted To Know About Mold But Were Afraid To Ask”)
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- December 11, 1:00 p.m., VOIP
- Other meeting dates (tentative):
- February 25, 2013, 9 a.m,. VOIP
- April 29, 10 a.m., in-person CARLI Office
- June 17, 9 a.m., VOIP