Karen Gallacci, Andrea Imre, Lauren Jackson-Beck, Max King, Jeff Matlak, Andy Meyer, Peter Tubbs, Lisa Wallis, CARLI Staff: Mary Burkee, Denise Green. Absent: Cindy Scott.
CARLI Update- SFX will partly go behind F5 security device Sunday. Sfx-test is already behind F5, see http://sfx-test.carli.illinois.edu/sfxctu/a-z
a. Co-chair selection- Lisa Wallis volunteered.
b. CARLI Annual Meeting – SFX Committee was selected for 10-15 minute presentation, Nov. 18 Friday. Talked over presentation and next Annual Meeting planning conference call Oct. 5.
c. CARLI SFX Libraries & special report to support IPEDS survey- Denise sought advice from committee since IPEDS asks for number of accessible electronic serials. SFX can count them but doing this for all CARLI SFX libraries will take some significant CARLI staff time. Committee recommended CARLI staff run this report for each library.
d. Next quarterly open conference call, Thurs. October 13th. All talk over theme of SFX Display Features. Due to time conflicts or the length of time since design choices were made, libraries asked to present politely declined. Denise will show documentation and SFX admin options with assistance and comments from others on committee. Mobile friendly design could be topic at future Open Conference Call.
e. FY17 Deliverable: Committee considered topics and decided on “Best practices”.
Best practices for new/intermediate SFX admins:
1. How to activate collections: target choice
2. Display/interface options
3. Mobile options
4. Individual subscriptions activations
5. Interlibrary loan options-
6. Documenting decisions and “how to” for successors. Ex. Rush flow chart
7. Training,
8. Reporting/fixing mistakes in Knowledge Base
9. Usage stats
By next meeting: Weds. Oct. 26. List concretely formed ideas and discuss dividing up work.
3. Adjourn.
Next Meeting: Weds. Oct. 26, 2016, 10 am