There were almost 150 CARLI members in attendance for the CARLI Annual Meeting held on November 17. We want to thank everyone who made the trip to Champaign to participate.
We have posted the presentations from the meeting if you would like to view them. If you would like to provide feedback on the CARLI strategic priorities, please complete this survey by Friday, December 8.
The CARLI office will be closed from Monday, December 25 through Monday, January 1 and will reopen on Tuesday, January 2. ILDS will not provide delivery service on December 22, December 25, December 29 or January 1. Business will resume on January 2.
Please send an email to CARLI support or call toll free 866-904-5843 to report any problems or concerns. Callers will have the option to page a tech support staff person to report a system outage or any other serious problem. CARLI staff will respond to all other issues and reports when regular business hours resume.
Each year libraries throughout Illinois, including all CARLI libraries, are required to report their annual statistics on interlibrary loan (ILL) and reciprocal borrowing through the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Traffic Survey. The State Library collects and analyzes this resource sharing data. In addition, local libraries can view their own ILL statistics online. Because completion of the ILLINET ILL Traffic Survey is required of all system member libraries in accordance with administrative rule [23 Ill. Adm. Code 3030.200 (a)(2)(O)], the FY17 ILLINET ILL Traffic Survey must be completed prior to submission of the FY18 Annual Library Certification.
The monitoring of the interlibrary loan and reciprocal borrowing traffic is essential in measuring and evaluating the number of requests initiated, filled, and unfilled, the methods of requesting as borrowers and lenders, the impact of resource-sharing options, trends and the collaborative efforts of individual Illinois libraries.
The FY17 ILLINET ILL Traffic Survey is open now. Data submitted should cover the fiscal year from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The deadline for completion is March 31, 2018. Completion guidelines are available to help you understand what data you need to complete the survey. In addition, the LibPas Data Input Instructions will help you navigate inputting the data into the online form.
For more information, contact the Illinois State Library at 800-665-5576, ext. 2.
The CARLI Instruction Committee's theme for this year is "We Can't Do It Alone: Joining Forces for Sustainable Partnerships." Through a series of online events, the committee will offer opportunities to learn how to extend information literacy programs in ways that are scalable and sustainable. Because webinars can be an effective format for outreach and information literacy education to both faculty and students, we'll kick things off with an online session on best practices for webinars.
Join us for "Leading Online Sessions: Tips for Engaging Webinars" presented by Stephanie Richter & Cameron Wills from Northern Illinois University on Wednesday, December 6, 1:00–2:00 p.m.
They will share tips for producing engaging, interactive webinars no matter what platform you are using. You will learn the recommended techniques to prepare participants before they attend your live session. You will also learn how to communicate with and manage the interactions of your participants, best practices for designing online presentation content, and the advantages of recording the session.
Please register if you would like to attend. This webinar will also be recorded and available on the CARLI website for later viewing.
Please send any questions to CARLI support.
The CARLI Public Services Committee is pleased to sponsor an Open House that has an emphasis on the changing nature of library spaces.
Please save March 15, 2018 to visit Millikin University′s University Commons, their newly remodeled and reconfigured space opened in August 2017 that combined the Staley Library, the Office of Student Success, Student Development, a New Technologies Studio (makerspace), technology-rich classrooms, the Writing Center, the Math Center, Campus Dining Services, and more.
Lunch will be provided by CARLI. If you have any questions, please email CARLI support.
Registration information and full program will be forthcoming.
CARLI has established an email list for CARLI members to discuss and learn more about Open Educational Resources. The Open Textbook Network encourages consortia to establish a local email list to support the community of people that are working with open educational resources. Any person from a CARLI institution may subscribe to the email list.
Please join CARLI′s OER Task Force for a live webinar, on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 from 2:00–3:30 pm.
Task Force members will present a webinar on promoting OER to faculty and campus administrators. The task force supports CARLI′s participation in the Open Textbook Network and encourages collaboration on OER initiatives. Drawing on our participation in the 2017 Open Textbook Network′s Summer Institute and Summit, this webinar will present the basics and best practices for talking about OER on campus, report on the findings of the CARLI OER Survey, and introduce resources available for promoting OER on your campus. A brief Q&A will follow the presentation.
Connection information for the webinar will be sent after you register.
The OER Task Force invites CARLI members to contribute the OER resources that they find most helpful to be developed into the CARLI OER website.
Please add links and/or names of resources to these Google documents that represent sections of the new website.
Please share your input with the task force by Tuesday, January 9, 2018.
Sections of the website include:
Task force members will curate the information submitted by members for website.
If you are interested in learning more about promoting Open Educational Resources at your institution, please keep the week of April 23–27, 2018 in mind when planning your spring calendar. Staff members from the Open Textbook Network will be giving train-the-trainer workshops to CARLI library staff and instructional design or faculty partners on three separate days that week. The training will be how to present sessions at your local institution on what are open textbooks, how they are developed, and using these materials. These three sessions will contain the same information, so you would only need attend one.
Registration will be available after the first of the year for sessions located at:
The Open Textbook Network supports the curated Open Textbook Library.
The OTN provides MARC records for each title in the Open Textbook Library. CARLI staff have modified these records for our environment and have loaded them into CARLI’s Resource database. The 420 records are now visible in both I-Share and in I-Share members′ local VuFind catalogs. CARLI will load monthly updates as they become available.
If your library uses another system or discovery service and you wish to have a set of the Open Textbook Library MARC records, you can request a copy of the CARLI-modified records by sending an email to CARLI support or obtain the unmodified MARC records directly from OTN′s website. OTN has requested libraries avoid using the Open Textbook Library OCLC Knowledge base collection.
The criteria that the OTN uses for adding titles to the Open Textbook Library includes: a text must be openly licensed, be available in a complete portable file, be in use at multiple higher education institutions (or affiliated with either a higher education institution or professional/scholarly society), and be an original textbook (not a derivative of another textbook).
As begun with last month′s OTN/OER Update, the members of the CARLI OER Task Force are sharing with the CARLI membership takeaways from their training at the Open Textbook Network Summer Institute and Summit that was held in Minneapolis in August. Those who did not attend will be sharing their experience with open resources on their campus.
At the 2017 Open Textbook Network Summit, resources were shared for engaging faculty in the conversation to use open course materials including training materials. If you are interested in these resources, please send a note to CARLI support.
We have passed a major milestone on the I-Share Next project. The Request for Proposal (RFP) that seeks a new library services platform to ultimately replace Voyager (the software that supports I-Share), was publicly posted on the Illinois Procurement Bulletin for Public Institutions of Higher Education on November 16. You may download the RFP document. You will need to create a personal login under ″My Bulletin″ and search for ″1TLC1801″ (which is the RFP number).
As outlined in Section 1.3 of the RFP (posted as a solicitation), vendors are instructed to not discuss the solicitation, directly or indirectly, with anyone other than the solicitation contact listed in the RFP. All vendor questions and concerns regarding the solicitation must be submitted to the solicitation contact in written form within a specific timeframe.
In addition, the University has instructed anyone associated with the solicitation (the CARLI staff, the I-Share Next Task Force and the Board) to maintain the utmost confidentiality regarding the solicitation process.
Although it is impossible to accurately predict, we estimate that we have approximately two years of work ahead in the selection and implementation process.
We will update the membership when able to do so about the progress of the I-Share Next project. Thank you for your support!
The CARLI Office strongly recommends that I-Share libraries should routinely delete obsolete patron records from their databases. I-Share libraries may use the Voyager Patron Record Purge process to remove sensitive data for patrons who are no longer affiliated with their libraries. Besides removing personal information, deleting patron records keeps your patron database more up-to-date, which will help reduce effort in any future system migration.
Libraries may begin preparing for a patron purge by reviewing the Voyager Patron Record Purge for I-Share Libraries best practices document. This guide provides Access queries that help identify records for deletion, and it provides the steps for requesting and working through the purge job.
Many libraries have rarely, if ever, deleted old patron records. CARLI encourages you to begin thinking about patron cleanup for both current operations and future data migration.
As always, please share any questions with CARLI support.
Some of CARLI's "Suggested Priorities for Bibliographic, Holding, and Item Record Maintenance", require that CARLI staff run reports centrally to gather the details efficiently for all libraries. One such report is "MFHD_866withURL," which identifies holding records (i.e., MFHDs) that contain one or more 866 fields that also contain a URL (as identified by presence of "http").
The MFHD 866 field is designated as textual holdings data, commonly called "summary holdings," and intended to report on the extent of a library's holdings of a serial or multi-part resource. The 866 does not include a subfield for a URL, and discovery layers will typically not create a link for any URLs found there.
CARLI staff ran this report on October 23, finding 23 libraries with at least one MFHD with this condition. If your library has one or more of these MFHDs, you will find a report in your library's secure FTP account: "MFHD_866withURL_xxx.txt" where "xxx" is your library's three letter code. The report will include the MFHD_ID of the record in question, followed by the raw MARC text of the 866 field (through the first 500 characters).
If your library did not have any MFHDs with this condition, you will not receive a MFHD_866withURL report. Well done!
If you did have MFHDs with this condition, please feel free to review our Tips for Resolving Errors.
Watch for future Maintenance Priority reminders.
Have you tried Voyager Web Reports yet? It’s a web-based reporting tool designed by CARLI to provide an easy way for you to run standard reports against your Voyager database without the need to install the complicated Oracle/ODBC client software or use Microsoft Access. A CARLI Voyager Oracle Account and a web browser are the only things you need to log in and use Voyager Web Reports right now at There are over 100 reports ready to be run and you will have the results in just a few seconds!
For a brief demonstration of Voyager Web Reports, check out this video: and for more detailed information, see our Voyager Web Reports documentation.
Mark your calendars for the 5th annual GLRSC: Charting Our Course Together on June 7–8, 2018 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Perrysburg, OH. The conference will feature a keynote presentation by George Needham, Director of the Delaware County District Library.
This conference is an opportunity for individuals working in resource sharing to trade information and network with other colleagues. Watch for updates on the conference website. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
Do you have a new idea or success story to share? We are accepting program proposals through January 12, 2018, on any of the following topic areas:
Proposed presentations should be 45 minutes in length including time for questions. The submission form is available here. A call for proposals for lightning round presentations (15 minutes in length) will be announced in February.
Accepted presenters will have the opportunity to publish a version of their conference presentation to the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, & Electronic Reserves in a special issue, but will not be obligated to do so.
Each proposal should include a title, description, and abstract. Program proposals will be reviewed by the program committee, with selected presenters notified by February 16, 2018. Please direct any questions to Amanda Musacchio and Mark Sullivan.
RAILS (Reaching Across Illinois Library System) is looking for a few RAILS-member I-Share libraries to participate in a pilot project that will try out the AutoGraphics SHAREit software. The pilot project will present a public-access interface that allows library users to request items from any of the participating libraries. Pilot libraries will include public, school, and academic libraries using a variety of library management systems. Libraries interested in learning more about the project, and potentially volunteering to be a pilot site can visit their web site and/or contact Jane Plass at RAILS or by phone at 632-734-5129. The pilot is expected to begin in early 2018.
December 25–January 1 CARLI Office Closed
January 15 CARLI Office Closed
December 6 Instruction Committee Webinar: Leading Online Sessions
December 6–7 New I-Share Libraries Voyager Cataloging Client Training
December 1 CARLI Board of Directors Meeting
December 4 Open Educational Resources Task Force
December 6 Technical Services Committee
December 6 Institutional Repository Investigational Task Force Meeting
December 11 Preservation Committee
December 11 Instruction Committee
December 11 Public Services Committee
December 13 SFX Systems Committee
December 13 Created Content Committee
December 13 Commercial Products Committee
December 14 Collection Management Committee
December 19 Open Educational Resources Task Force
December 20 Resource Sharing Committee
January 3 Technical Services Committee
January 8 Preservation Committee
January 8 Instruction Committee
January 8 Public Services Committee
January 10 SFX Systems Committee
January 10 Created Content Committee
January 10 Commercial Products Committee
January 16 Open Educational Resources Task Force
January 17 Resource Sharing Committee
January 25 Collection Management Committee
Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.
Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to CARLI support. Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.