Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago
Members attending: David Bell, by phone, (Eastern Illinois University), Dan Blewett (College of DuPage), co-chair, Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Kelli Getz (DePaul University), Paolo Gujilde (National Louis University), Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Gretchen Schneider, co-chair (Oakton Community College)
Member absent: Kimberly Shotick (Illinois Institute of Technology)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Anne Craig, by phone, Jennifer Masciadrelli, by phone
Visitor: Will Waites
- Member updates:
- National Louis University acquired Kendall College.
- Columbia College Chicago which absorbed Harrington College of Design and continues the process of moving / weeding / adding contents of their library to its collections.
- Northeastern Illinois University has a new president, and three new library faculty members. The search for library dean and associate dean is underway.
- IMSA has received a cut to their materials collection budget; they will switch from Summon to EBSCO Discovery Service.
- Oakton Community College has an opening on their staff as of last week and will announce the opening soon. The Media Services department is in the process of transferring their collection to the library - all but DVDs will be weeded.
- DePaul University is filling two open library positions. It is implementing a new university strategic plan. The library is developing a plan to complement it. A weeding project is in the planning stages. There is a new group study rooms are being built in the library.
- ISU is working on a master plan. The library is undergoing renovation and a portion of the library will become shared space.
- EIU has a new library dean. They have a yearlong exhibit and related programs on the 1918 flu pandemic. They have an opening for an Archivist position as well as other positions.
- CARLI updates:
- CARLI received a flat-funded operating budget for FY19, which is generally considered to be good news; however, salary increases for CARLI staff were funded.
- CARLI received an IMLS grant, CARLI Counts.
- The CARLI Annual Meeting will be Nov. 2 at the I-Hotel in Champaign.
- The RFP process for I-Share Next continues.
- CARLI staff have begun to offer webinars on I-Share topics, the next will be on batch delete. Webinars will be offered twice a month.
- The current CARLI aggregated database contract ends June 30, 2019. An RFP to replace it is underway.
- CARLI staff are drafting an RFP for eBooks.
- CARLI staff are working on refining the process for handling last copies of print materials.
- The CARLI OER Task Force has created a tri-fold pamphlet on Open Textbooks that will soon be added to the CARLI website within the Open Illinois pages.
- The CARLI Strategic Plan will be posted on website soon.
Tasks Assigned
- David Bell took minutes.
- Elizabeth will work to gather the available usage data from ProQuest on the consortial ebook usage since 2015; Gretchen and Paolo will format the data once available.
- Jen will investigate possible uses of OCLC Subject Conspectus reports to inform collection development decisions.
- Kimberly and Michelle will continue working on the Education project. They may recruit another member to help.
- Gretchen, Connie, Elizabeth, and Jen will continue with OA ebook project. David signed on to participate on this as well.
- Chad, Jen, and Gretchen will work on UB stats.
- Dan, Kelli, David, Michelle, and Elizabeth will work on textbook reserve project.
- Kimberly may sign on to one or more of the above.
- Kelli will represent the committee on the joint planning subcommittee for the Managing Change forum which the Technical Services Committee invited the group to co-sponsor.
- Connie will review the Scholarly Communications website.
- August 2018 minutes were approved.
- The meeting schedule for the rest of the year will be determined after a Doodle poll.
- A list of volunteer participants for the open access e-books project will be compiled – JSTOR will be the platform for a trial or pilot run of this project.
- Collect circulation data on CARLI e-books for each year since 2015.
- A subcommittee will create a survey for CARLI members on their textbook reserve policies and practices.
- Current projects:
- Education project – There has not been as much usage as hoped of the curriculum materials. The group hopes to do outreach to increase the usage -possibly using an existing list of education liaisons at CARLI libraries. Rather than adding more materials to this project, can libraries share data to show this is a useful undertaking? Could lending policies be revised to help facilitate sharing? (e.g. longer loan period, higher item limit?) Committee members noted that the loaning of large sets and among multi-campus libraries is logistically difficult. Discussion of how much of this material is still in print vs. online and that some libraries do not collect curriculum materials at all. Should a survey of libraries asking about their current practices and interest in curriculum materials be conducted?
- Open Access eBooks – The committee reported the results of its survey in its last annual report. The collection development policy is done. The group discussed how to begin and decided to start with one collection to work through the process and identify the best procedure to use moving forward.
- eBook Purchasing Project – CARLI staff is writing an RFP for e-book purchasing project. Will proceed after aggregated databases RFP is completed.
- Annual Project Brainstorming – The committee discussed the CARLI “value report,” and eBooks were included in report. The value letter is sent to directors of CARLI member libraries. Discussed the value of reporting access/usage by institution. Consortial eBooks holdings is 3992, with ~100 added this past year. Access is limited on these titles to 35 loans per year. The committee discussed comparing demand selected items to librarian-selected items. This may be an apples to oranges analysis (Jen). The goal is to show value of existing collection to stakeholders; potentially encourage them to participate in future one-time purchases.
- Weeding based on statewide collection – Resource Sharing Committee did a survey and this data may be useful, but it’s one among many considerations for each item and for each library. Another factor in weeding decisions is number of copies owned by other libraries.
- Collection development based on ILL and I-Share borrowing stats – Borrowing statistics can be used to identify weaknesses in local collection, identify special topics periodically in demand, and new needs based on curriculum changes. Discussion of a possible forum or webinar on how collection development librarians can use available data to inform decisions including– circulation stats, UB stats, and reports that can be generated to identify high-use portions of collection; OCLC conspectus reports may be useful in this regard. UB stats training sessions discussed; how to get, format, and use data – possibly do a streaming video as a prerequisite to attending session and possibly collaborate with Resource Sharing Committee.
- Illinois publishers – Do libraries support local publishers? There was limited interest expressed by the committee members on this topic.
- OER in libraries – Our committee has an open access e-book project underway. The CARLI Open Educational Resources Task force is continuing for a second year through the end of FY18. No need for this committee to take on this topic at present.
- Other ideas discussed:
- Textbook reserves – The committee discussed textbooks in reserve collections and discussed differences among how committee members are now handling course textbooks. The committee determined that the topic was very timely. A subgroup was formed to work on this topic including creating a poll to ask which libraries have a textbook reserve collection, if they reach out to professors to get their review copies of textbooks for reserve use, if libraries use their allocated collections budgets for textbook reserve materials, and if there are complications in ordering and receiving reserve textbooks in a timely manner or issues of competing with university bookstores or textbook rental services.
- Starting OA journals – should be taken up by this committee in future
- Food pantry for students and community garden – discussed what schools are providing; decided not to pursue this as a project.
- Institution repositories – can this committee be involved with these? How? Indiana is moving forward on a statewide IR. The CARLI Institutional Repository Investigative Task Force is continuing to monitor the availability of consortial IRs.
- Change Management Forum – The location has not yet been determined but one possibly location is UIC. Timing would be the end of March. Current information on the agenda was shared and the possibility of an invitation to Kevin O’Connor as keynote speaker. Other topics for the day could include changes brought on by I-Share Next, managing changes in various library specializations; technical services; instruction; public service, etc. The hope is to have participants from all areas of library, not just technical services. Discussion of how OA affects existing paradigms including helping people get a handle on what OA is and is not. How new delivery models affect collection development (i.e. not just selecting individual items anymore – looking at the bigger picture). Possibly a session on the future of collection development with an expert panel on selected collection development topics.
Next Meeting
Call in meeting: October 11, 2018