Zoom / Conference Call
Members attending: Caitlin Archer-Helke (Saint Xavier University), Krista Bowers Sharpe (Western Illinois University), Aaron Harwig, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Kahl (Illinois State University), Cynthia Kremer (Joliet Junior College), Nestor Osorio, co-chair (Northern Illinois University), Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing)
Members absent: Jessica Bastian (Illinois Central College), Cory Stevens (Lake Forest College)
CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green
Board Liaisons: Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), Rob Morrison (National-Louis University)
- Minutes of previous meeting (1-25-2021) were approved.
- Proposed changes in the charge of the committee were approved unanimously. Elizabeth will send the revised charge to the CARLI Office.
- Committee decided to hold additional informal discussion on public services topics.
- Next informal discussion will be April 23 from 11am-Noon.
- Aaron will moderate.
- Lesley will moderate Chat.
- Denise and Elizabeth will create an evaluation for the session
- Member Announcements:
- JOL will do I-Share borrowing & open on Fridays now.
- WIU will continue the same level of services.
- ISU will reopen building, about 1/6th of usual gate count.
- SXU stacks closed, holding pattern on campus.
- COD and St. John’s also holding pattern with same level of services as last month.
- CARLI Announcements:
- The CARLI OER Committee will be offering workshops for faculty members about OER on February 24 and March 23.
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Nestor Osorio until 12:30 (when he needs to leave). Supplemented with notes from Denise Green.
- Elizabeth will submit the committee’s updated charge to CARLI staff for the March CARLI Board meeting.
- Cynthia will approach her colleague at JJC about sharing how their local “Take 5” guides were developed to promote digital resources
- Cynthia will contact an attendee from the January discussion and ask if they would be willing to share how they developed their virtual escape room.
- The Pandemic Made Me Do It: Changing Public Services informal discussion:
- After reviewing the evaluation, the Committee decided to continue the informal discussions with programs to be twice a year or quarterly.
- Next program scheduled for Friday, April 23 from 11am – 12pm so that members might discuss decisions made about reopening. A summer program would allow for presenting expected offerings in the fall.
- Possible title for the session: Oops! The Pandemic Made Me Do It Again!
- The April program would have the same format, based on comments from the evaluations, possible topics will be technology for course reserve; virtual escape rooms for orientations from Lincoln Christian College; and “Take 5” guides to promote digital resources from JJC. Cynthia will contact attendees of the previous program to invite them to participate at the April program. Aaron will moderate and Lesley monitor chat. Elizabeth and Denise will start setting up evaluation survey.
- Internet Reference Services Quarterly (IRSQ) Opportunity:
- The column has been written, submitted, and accepted.
- Other Possible Projects
- Committee postponed other discussions.
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
The Public Services Committee next meeting is on Monday, March 22, 2021 12:00-1:00 PM.
Future Meetings:
- April 26, 2021
- May 24, 2021
- June 28, 2021
Program: Oops! The Pandemic Made Me Do It Again: Changing Public Services
- April 23, 2021: 11am-Noon